You may choose a location for the purpose of calculating distances to each business or venue listed in Mobile Chatham.
The current setting for Distances Location is:
Calculated distances are displayed on category listing pages, and on the individual detail page for each business or
When distances are being calculated, you may sort the establishments shown on category list pages (by distance, from
smallest to largest) using the drop-down menu button on the upper right corner of each of these category list pages
On mobile devices with GPS- or GPS-like capability, the menu above offers an option to use this feature to set your location based on your device location. On many devices, this feature must be explicitly enabled, and you will be asked to grant permission for Mobile Chatham to use your current location information. The “Current Device Location” option does not appear when viewing this page on a regular computer or laptop, or when your device does not have this capability.
For those who do not have a mobile device built-in GPS, or want to choose an alternate fixed location for the purposes of distance calculations, there is a selection of fixed locations to choose from, in the selection box above.
Whatever selection you make, it will be remembered for future uses of Mobile Chatham (as long as you have web browser cookies enabled, which is normal on mobile devices.)