Launched in 2004, the Chatham Preservation Awards program aims to honor noteworthy efforts by local
property owners and others to preserve and maintain historic residences and other important historic resources.
Sponsored jointly by the Town of Chatham Historical Commission, the Town of Chatham Historic Business District Commission, and The Chatham Historical Society, the Awards are presented annually to local projects for a broad range of preservation activities, including stabilization, rehabilitation, restoration and adaptive reuse of historic structures; sensitive additions and modernization; preservation of historic streetscapes; landscape preservation; and archaeology.
Award-winning projects can include private residences, commercial properties, publicly-owned buildings, not-forprofit institutions and historic landscapes. Properties must be at least 75 years old to be eligible and primary emphasis is given to exterior preservation, rehabilitation or restoration (but if interior work is open to the public, it is also eligible for consideration).
Nominations are judged on the basis of the following criteria:
For information and application forms, call (508) 945-2493.
Sponsored jointly by the Town of Chatham Historical Commission, the Town of Chatham Historic Business District Commission, and The Chatham Historical Society, the Awards are presented annually to local projects for a broad range of preservation activities, including stabilization, rehabilitation, restoration and adaptive reuse of historic structures; sensitive additions and modernization; preservation of historic streetscapes; landscape preservation; and archaeology.
Award-winning projects can include private residences, commercial properties, publicly-owned buildings, not-forprofit institutions and historic landscapes. Properties must be at least 75 years old to be eligible and primary emphasis is given to exterior preservation, rehabilitation or restoration (but if interior work is open to the public, it is also eligible for consideration).
Nominations are judged on the basis of the following criteria:
- The historic and architectural significance of the property preserved by the project.
- Sensitivity to the historic integrity of the building and its site, including streetscapes.
- Preservation or replication of historic materials and quality of project craftsmanship.
- Impact of the project on the preservation of the town's historic fabric, neighborhoods and resources
For information and application forms, call (508) 945-2493.
2018 Chatham Preservation Awards Application Period Now Open
2018 Award winners will be announced in May
Click here
to view or download the 2018 application form and related information.
Click here
to view or download the application form and related information on the Town of Chatham website.
The Chatham Historic Commission announces the opening of the Application Period for the 2018 Chatham Preservation Awards.
The Awards are sponsored jointly by the Town of Chatham Historic Commission, Historic Business District Commission and the Chatham Historical Society.
The Awards are presented annually to local projects for a broad range of preservation activities, including stabilization, rehabilitation, restoration
and adaptive reuse of historic structures.Also recognized are sensitive additions and modernization; preservation of historic streetscapes;
landscape preservation; and archaeology.
Award-winning projects can include private residences, commercial properties, publicly-owned buildings, not-for-profit institutions and historic landscapes.
Properties must be at least 75 years old to be eligible and primary emphasis will be given to exterior preservation, rehabilitation or restoration, but if
interior work is open to the public, it is also eligible for consideration.
Complete information is available on the application form (see link above). Also available is a checklist for applicants and the U.S.
Department of Interior’s Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures.
The deadline for applications is January 26, 2018, and the applications are to be mailed or delivered to The Chatham Historical Commission,
Town Hall Annex – 261 George Ryder Road, Chatham, MA 02633. The Awards Ceremony will be held in May at The Wayside Inn in Chatham.
Award-winning projects can include private residences, commercial properties, publicly-owned buildings, not-for-profit institutions and historic landscapes. Properties must be at least 75 years old to be eligible and primary emphasis will be given to exterior preservation, rehabilitation or restoration, but if interior work is open to the public, it is also eligible for consideration.
Complete information is available on the application form (see link above). Also available is a checklist for applicants and the U.S. Department of Interior’s Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures.
The deadline for applications is January 26, 2018, and the applications are to be mailed or delivered to The Chatham Historical Commission, Town Hall Annex – 261 George Ryder Road, Chatham, MA 02633. The Awards Ceremony will be held in May at The Wayside Inn in Chatham.