Chatham is a town steeped in history, and home to several wonderful museums.
Featured Listings
Atwood Museum
Bringing History to Life!
347 Stage Harbor Rd., Chatham
Phone: (508) 945-2493
Bringing History to Life!
Step Back to Cape Cod of centuries past. Your journey begins with a tour of the historical dwelling built circa 1752 by Chatham sea captain Joseph Atwood, and occupied by his descendants for some five generations. Discover Cape Cod's captivating history, art, and culture at the Chatham Historical Society's Atwood Museum.
Built for Guglielmo Marconi in 1914, the 11.3-acre, 10-building Chatham Marconi Maritime Center campus of distinctive structures has been preserved by the Town of Chatham and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Marconi's Wireless Receiving Station was initially part of his visionary global network planned to link America with Europe and Japan. Today, the Operations and Residence Hotel buildings serve respectively as CMMC's museum and Education Center.
The Chatham Railroad Museum is located in the old Chatham Railroad Company station on Depot Road, and has parking space at the door. The building is now over 130 years old and on the original site. A striking example of Victorian-era architecture, the railroad depot was the stepping off – and on – point for riders of the old Chatham Railroad, which served the
Built by Colonel Benjamin Godfrey in 1797, the Mill remains almost exactly as it was when it was grinding corn for early Chatham residents. The Mill is located near Chase Park, off Shattuck place, just a short walk from the downtown Main Street. It is a prime example of a post-Revolutionary War commercial venture that served the community for more than one-hundred years.
Nickerson Family Association, Inc./Caleb Nickerson Homestead
1107 Orleans Rd. (Rt 28), N. Chatham
Phone: (508) 945-6086
Chatham's Caleb Nickerson Homestead, on the Nickerson Family Association property at 1107 Orleans Road (Route 28) is open for tours every Wednesday and most Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm June through September and during Hands On History special events throughout the year. Donations are accepted. Caleb Nickerson, great, great grandson of William, the founder of the
Just east of the Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank building on Main Street is the Mayo House, which is an excellent example of a traditional Cape Cod house built in 1820. This antique home serves as headquarters for the Chatham Conservation Foundation, and is used by the group for its regular meetings. The Mayo House, beautifully preserved and restored, was donated to the fou